You Should Hear This

Generation Z - Who They Are, What They Want Pt.1 | Sarah Sladek (Episode 24)


Culture is constantly shifting. There are several factors that can impact our culture, but one of the biggest is the arrival of new generations. These new generations bring new ideas, desires, wants, life goals and overall expectations of how they approach and view work and the outside groups they engage with. Millennials for a long time have been the group we talk about, but there’s a new generation already here you may not have been talking about yet, Gen Z. 

Are we ready for them? If you haven’t already been talking about them, the answer is probably no, but what is this new generation looking for when it comes to joining our associations, volunteering, the kinds of education they want and so much more. They’ll challenge our associations to change and grow, which is necessary. 

Our guest today will help us explore Gen Z and provide insight into how we can not just accommodate them but welcome and embrace their presence.

Sarah Sladek has been referred to as a social equity expert, a global leader in business strategy, and a Talent Economy influencer. She is a renowned thought leader on the topics of generational shifts, engagement strategies, and change management. 

Sarah is the founder and CEO of XYZ University, one of the nation’s only firms focused on generational research and the development of inclusive, inter-generational workplaces. She’s also the founder of Membership University, a future-focused membership strategy and training firm, and host of the Save the Associations web show and Membership IQ podcast.